Center for Enablement

Business Agility


Prior to the release of generative AI, one of the primary goals in creating a System of Understanding involved providing coherent, ambiguity free, reasoning as to why nearly every company with digital business aspirations needed to become a tech-enabled business – ideally by integrating Information Technology (IT) into the business as new ways of working got introduced. Fast forward to today and every knowledge worker can either improve their productivity via GenAI or simply face being replaced by someone using it – including autonomous AI agents, Microsoft AutoGen, configured for 24x7x365 operations. The core Business Agility foundational concept for enabling new customer-centric Business Value Streams via software – the new means of production- is still at the heart of digital. Now that ChatGPT has come into our worldview, developing software has forever changed the digital business landscape.

Additional Resource: Business Agility Institute

Post-Knowledge Work Era

Don’t Leave the Future to Chance

One simply cannot become an Exponential Organization (ExO) while maintaining a legacy disposition, attempting to do so would only result in creating a series of theatrical moments. The Value Network believes that Business Agility can be achieved via an innovative Working in New Ways Strategy, which contains the elements shown on the right. Legacy organizations need to tap into new ideas and management methods to drive their new way of thinking about their organizations. 

Human-centric Networked Organization

Elevate the informal network to enable all knowledge workers to work in new ways.

Digital Operating Model (DOM)

Create an environment to enable not only the next generation of efficiency but also to drive innovation and new business models.

Enterprise Service Management (ESM)

Adoption of the value-driven Collaboration, Insights, & Orchestration (vCIO) framework to build a new strategic business capability.

Digital Product Brokerage

New role and focus for the IT organization, not only to enable hyperautomation throughout the DOM but also responsible for driving GenAI adoption throughout the enterprise.

Modern Digital Workplace (MDW)

Evolution of End-User Computing environment that gets designed and productized for product teams.

The DNA of Organizations

The Flow System™ and The Triple Helix of Flow™

Complexity Thinking

This helix contains several methods and techniques that assist us in understanding the disposition of a Complex Adaptive System (CAS).

Distributed Leadership

A deep dive into the behavioral patterns and concepts required to effectively lead people in the digital age and the Era of AI.

Team Science

Recognition that we need to pay attention to our collective human interactions to be anything more than a loosely coupled group of individuals.